
1. Calcium Changelog

2. Showcase

3. Neon Changelog

4. Theme Documentation

5. Xenon Changelog

6. Aurum Changelog

7. Kalium Changelog

8. Oxygen Changelog

9. License Activation Terms

10. Recommended PHP Limits

1. Calcium Changelog

Here you can see complete changelog of Calcium theme:

Version 1.4

ADDED: Envato – Theme & Plugin management for the Envato Market
UPDATE: Wordpress 4.8 compatibility
UPDATE: Language files updated to latest version
FIX: Child theme not working with Calcium
FIX: Google API key for contact form map –
FIX: Lightbox not working for paginated portfolio items
FIX: Image gallery not working with newest WP versions –
FIX: Number of comments in single blog item
FIX: Security fixes
FIX: Bug fixes and improvements
REMOVED: Built-in twitter widget (for security purposes)

Version 1.3

ADDED: Calcium now has child theme
ADDED: Quick access to theme shortcuts in admin bar –
ADDED: Sub menu indicators for main menu
IMPORTANT FIX: Compatibility with Safari 9.x on El Capitan and iOS9 added
UPDATE: Wordpress 4.3.1 compatibility
UPDATE: Language files updated to latest version
UPDATE: GreenSock library updated to latest version
UPDATE: Advanced Custom Fields updated to latest version
UPDATE: Envato Toolkit updated to latest version
FIXED: Font parameters being reset without saving the settings
FIXED: Minor bug fixes and improvements

Version 1.2.2

UPDATE: WordPress 4.2.x compatible
UPDATE: Security Vulnerability fix applied, read more -
FIXED: Contact page settings are now working

Version 1.2.1

FIXED: Font change issue
FIXED: Wrong version included

Version 1.2

ADDED: Portfolio items URL hash id is now more SEO friendly
UPDATE:Vision Shortcode plugin updated to latest version 3.1 (previous included 3.0.2)
FIXED: Portfolio item expand/collapse issue
FIXED: Other code improvements and CSS fixes
FIXED: Front-end font style appearing also in Login page

Version 1.1.2

FIXED: Issue with Less compiler now its fixed (Admin Blank Screen)

Version 1.1

ADDED: Hover colors option, in the theme options area
ADDED: You can now set categories to filter above the portfolio items
ADDED: Show category items count in portfolio filter
ADDED: Social networks in the footer: Instagram, Pinterest
ADDED: Clicking on a category will filter the items (with isotope plugin) without reloading the page.
FIXED: Data Option Class, will not delete entries in other languages
FIXED: Responsivitivity improvements for Tablets and smart phones

Version 1.0

Initial Release

2. Showcase

We’re always thrilled to find our themes behind the amazing sites we bump into on our everyday quest to conquer the internet. We think the awesome work you’ve been doing needs a place to present itself, so we’re building a gallery on our item pages to showcase the best sites built using our WordPress themes. 

Here are the showcases for some of our themes: 

Submit Yours ➝

3. Neon Changelog

Here you can see complete changelog of Neon theme:

— Version 2.0

    Now you can buy Extended License of Neon with 33.3% discount, this is cheapest -
    price you can find on the Admin category of Themeforest!
    IMPORTANT FIX: Compatibility with Safari 9.x on El Capitan and iOS9 added
    ADDED: Bootstrap 3.3.5 Support
    ADDED: Better organized less files, moved to assets/less/ folder.
    ADDED: Favicon.ico added in header of each file
    ADDED: Retina ready images added to whole pages
    ADDED: Git repository changes
    UPDATE: Bootstrap updated to v3.3.5
    UPDATE: jQuery updated to latest version v1.11.3
    UPDATE: DataTables updated to v1.10.9
    UPDATE: GSAP Animation Library updated to latest version v1.18.0
    UPDATE: HTML5shiv updated to latest version v3.7.2
    UPDATE: moment.js library updated to latest version v2.10.6
    UPDATE: jQuery Validate library updated to v1.14.0
    UPDATE: jQuery Knobs library updated to v1.2.11
    UPDATE: FontAwesome updated to v4.4
    UPDATE: Input Mask updated v3.2.2
    FIX: Top menu in mobile devices
    FIX: Neon Chat API issues with its own API
    FIX: Menu break on different viewports (mostly on iPad)
    FIX: Menu items that have submenus now have "has-sub" class
    FIX: Tile boxes in dashboard not aligned properly in mobile screens
    FIX: Reported responsive issues on all pages
    FIX: Forgot password form not allowing two (or more) dots after @ character

— Version 1.8

    ADDED: FullCalendar version 2.3.2 (extra-calendar-2.html)
    ADDED: Detailed comments which scripts are included in pages 
    ADDED: New skin added (skins-facebook.html)
    FIX: Cleaner HTML content and correctly indented with tabs
    FIX: Rebuild of core layout with pure CSS, doesn't need the JS to set the height anymore
    FIX: When using fixed sidebar the browser outline is removed
    FIX: Horizontal menu not showing properly in fixed mode (perspective issues)
    FIX: Improved animation performances
    FIX: Overall theme polishing (CSS + JavaScript)
    UPDATE: Updated scripts: Select2 (3.4.5 -> 3.5.2), jQuery Validate (1.11.1 -> 1.13.1),
    jQuery Transit (0.9.9 -> 0.9.12)

— Version 1.7.2

    FIX: Datepicker in Dropdown Modal now its visible on the layer

— Version 1.7.1 – Mar 28, 2014

    FIX: Fixed sidebar issue window height

— Version 1.74

    ADDED: Boxed Layout support
    ADDED: Members page (extra-members.html)
    ADDED: Comments page (extra-comments.html)
    ADDED: New post page (extra-new-post.html)
    ADDED: Settings page (extra-settings.html)
    ADDED: Nested list plugin (extra-nestable.html)
    ADDED: File tree plugin (extra-file-tree.html)
    ADDED: Progress indicator (extra-load-progress.html)
    ADDED: New front-end mobile menu
    FIX: Better organized assets files

— Version 1.6

    ADDED: Tabs in XS mode will display icons instead of text (ui-tabs-accordions.html)
    FIX: Group tile with stats now its properly aligned, Firefox background tiles that are 
    pushed little lower (ui-tiles.html)
    FIX: When opening modals will not bounce the page content container (ui-modals.html)
    FIX: (CSS) IE fixes
    FIX: RTL logo on Navbar
    FIX: Front-end carousel issue in Safari
    FIX: $.noConflict() - Neon will no longer have issues with this declaration
    FIX: (CSS) DataTable width when sidebar is collapsed/expanded
    FIX: (CSS) DataTable Rows per page broken width
    FIX: Modals not opening in firefox (ui-modals.html)
    ADDED: Tabs will have icons in responsive (XS-mode, file: ui-tabs-accordions.html)

— Version 1.5.1

    FIX: Fixed CSS Issues
    FIX: Data folder missing

— Version 1.5.0

    ADDED: Front-end Interface
    ADDED: Neon is now upgraded to Bootstrap 3.1
    ADDED: Full RTL Support
    ADDED: Sidebar position on the right (+Chat left)
    ADDED: CSS files are now separated into groups for to decrease load size
    ADDED: 10 new PSD files
    ADDED: New Dashboard Page (dashboard-3.html)
    FIX: Firefox issues fixed

— Version 1.1.4

    ADDED: Register form page (extra-register.html)
    ADDED: Forgot password form page (extra-forgot-password.html)
    ADDED: Login form processing with PHP (extra-login.html and data/sample-login-form.php)
    ADDED: Search Result page added (extra-search.html)
    ADDED: UIKit Markdown editor (forms-wysiwyg.html)
    ADDED: iCheck replacement for radio buttons and checkboxes (forms-icheck.html)
    ADDED: Language select bar
    ADDED: Input spinner (forms-advanced.html)
    ADDED: Alternative Social networks login buttons on Login page (extra-login.html)
    FIX: Time picker in popup not showing the time popup selector
    FIX: Sidebar issue "Flash of unstyle content" 
    FIX: Fixed Sidebar page, collapsed sidebar menu hover don't work
    FIX: Fixed lot of reported CSS incosistencies
    FIX: Fixed collapsing effect with tables as panel body
    FIX: Chat conversation, auto-close when collapsing chat container
    UPDATE: jQuery updated to latest public version

— Version 1.1.3

    ADDED: Theme Skins are now supported! Available skins: Blue, Red, Green, Purple, Black, 
    White, Yellow, Cafe
    ADDED: DataTables examples: Filtering Columns, Data Exporting, Responsive Data Tables
    ADDED: Image Crop plugin is now added - See extra-image-crop.html
    ADDED: 3 PSD files are included in extra/ folder

— Version 1.1.2

    ADDED: Profile Page added (extra-profile.html)
    ADDED: Timeline - vertical left aligned (extra-timeline.html)
    ADDED: Responsive tables (tables-main.html)
    FIX: Charts page will not render properly the profile notification tooltips.
    FIX: Improved Retina Support for logos and images

— Version 1.1.1

    ADDED: Gallery Albums Page (extra-gallery.html)
    ADDED: Gallery Album Single Page (extra-gallery-single.html)

— Version 1.1.0

    ADDED: User Info on Sidebar + Popup Menu
    ADDED: Notes Page functionality added on extra-notes.html - You can save notes. 
    Handle file assets/js/neon-notes.js
    FIX: WYSIHTML5 editor - text colors now are applied properly. 
    Attribute [data-stylesheet-url] solves this.
    FIX: Sliders (forms-sliders.html) are now compatible with Touch Devices.

— Version 1.0.2

    FIX: Calendar Week and Day Agenda not styled properly

— Version 1.0.1

    FIX: Overall fixes and improvements
    FIX: Fail-safe page transitions are added.
    ADDED: Modals are now shown in better way (ui-modals.html)
    ADDED: Dropzone now shows info for uploaded files (forms-file-upload.html)

— Version 1.0

    Initial Release

4. Theme Documentation

To learn more about how to setup our themes and/or their server requirements head to our documentation area where you can find common articles that will help solve your issues.

Choose your theme that you have purchased and from there you can view all the articles.

Laborator Themes Documentation ➝

5. Xenon Changelog

Here you can see complete changelog of Xenon theme:

— Version 1.3

Now you can buy Extended License of Neon with 33.3% discount, this is cheapest price you can - 
find on the Admin category of Themeforest!
ADDED: User profile with links in sidebar (Both - Plain & AngularJS version)
ADDED: Chat conversation (secondary) sticked in footer (Both - Plain & AngularJS version)
ADDED: Language switcher (at user info navbar) (Both - Plain & AngularJS version)
ADDED: Members page (2 pages: list + add new member) (Both - Plain & AngularJS version)
ADDED: Full screen feature for AngularJS JS version
ADDED: Minified version of custom created Xenon JavaScript files located on: assets/js/min/
UPDATE: Bootstrap updated to v3.3.1
UPDATE: Updated scripts to latest version: Perfect Scrollbar
FIX: Mobile menu messed up on minimal navbar size (horizontal menu)
FIX: Font weight on user info navbar fixed on firefox
FIX: Empty stars icons on mailbox now appear properly
FIX: Gallery placeholder when re-ordering images is added
FIX: Missing "Login Light" template in AngularJS version
FIX: Tabs active border appearing in newest Chrome version 39.0.X
FIX: Tocify table of contents width appearing larger than container

— Version 1.2.1

FIX: Mobile menu toggles now are working properly
FIX: Issues with AngularJS Lazy Loading fixed

— Version 1.2

ADDED: AngularJS version of Xenon Theme
FIX: Bug fixes and code improvements

— Version 1.1

ADDED: PSD Files of Xenon Layout (2 psd files)

— Version 1.0

Initial Release

6. Aurum Changelog

Aurum is constantly being updated with new features, bug fixes, and adjustments. On this link Aurum Changelog you can see complete changelog information.

We recommend you to read the changelog for every release since the last time you updated. Also consider deactivating caching plugins temporarily to avoid the caching of old markup when you update the theme.

7. Kalium Changelog

Kalium is constantly being updated with new features, bug fixes, and adjustments. On this link, Kalium Changelog you can see complete changelog information.

We recommend you to read the changelog for every release since the last time you updated. Also, consider deactivating caching plugins temporarily to avoid the caching of old markup when you update the theme.

8. Oxygen Changelog

Oxygen is constantly being updated with new features, bug fixes, and adjustments. On this link Oxygen Changelog you can see complete changelog information.

We recommend you to read the changelog for every release since the last time you updated. Also consider deactivating caching plugins temporarily to avoid the caching of old markup when you update the theme.

9. License Activation Terms

This article has been moved on our official documentation site.

Theme licenses and activation ➝

10. Recommended PHP Limits

To use WordPress themes, you must be running WordPress 5.7 or greater, PHP 7 or greater (you can use PHP 5.6 too but we recommend using PHP version 7.4 or above for greater performance and security), and MySQL 5.6 or greater. We have tested it on Windows, Mac, and Linux. 

Below is a list of items you should ensure your host can comply with.

Minimum PHP requirements

Many issues you may run into such as; white screen, demo content fails when importing, empty page content, skin not being saved and other similar issues are all related to low PHP configuration limits. The solution is to increase the PHP limits. You can do this on your own, or contact your web host and ask them to increase those limits to a minimum as follows:

max_execution_time 120
memory_limit 128M
post_max_size 64M
upload_max_filesize 64M
max_input_time 60
max_input_vars = 3000

Also consider upgrading your PHP version to the latest version, the newer the better.

How To Verify Your Current PHP Limits?

For the Kalium theme you can verify your PHP configuration limits on Kalium theme by just going to your WordPress dashboard > Laborator > System Status.

Alternative method: You can check your PHP configuration limits also by installing the WordPress phpinfo() plugin and then going to Settings > PHP Info. The first column refers to your installation value, and the second column refers to the limits of your host. The latter values are often lower if you have selected a cheaper hosting package.

Updating your PHP version

In most cases, you cannot update the PHP version yourself and need to contact your host about this. The upgrade process is an easy process and should be something your host can do for you without impacting your website or charging you a fee. Here’s a letter you can send to your hosting company:

Dear host,
I’m running a Wordpress theme on one of your servers and that theme has recommended using at least PHP 7.2 or higher. WordPress, the content management system that my theme uses, has listed PHP 7.4 as the recommended version on their requirements page:

Can you please let me know if my hosting supports PHP 7.2 or higher and how I can upgrade?

Also please increase those limits to a minimum as follows:

max_execution_time 180
memory_limit 128M
post_max_size 64M
upload_max_filesize 64M
max_input_time 60
max_input_vars = 3000

Looking forward to your reply.

Please note though that many hosts will try to keep the PHP limits low without reason. However you are paying for it, and therefore should be getting your money's worth.